How to use Custom Domain with your LinkHub page

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By default your page has address like If you would like to use your own domain like or you can do it.

Check your service plan

Please note, you should have TRIAL or PAID service plan which supports custom domains. At current time all PAID service plans support this feature.

To make it easier to understand, let's assume you own domain and would like to use for your LinkHub page. Below some steps you should do.

Update your DNS

You must update your DNS to redirect your chosen URL (e.g.: to using a CNAME DNS record.

Example: 14400  IN  CNAME

Each registrar has its own method of adding CNAME records. The important parts of this record are your subdomain (in our example "bio") and our domain ( It may take several hours for your DNS changes to take effect. If you need help or if your registrar recommends a different solution, please contact support.

Configure Your LinkHub settings

When you're done with DNS settings, you should add your domain to your LinkHub page. Open configuration interface in your browser or LinkHub app. Go to "Other Settings" and "Custom Domain". Add your domain and activate it.

Image 32

The activation may takes up to 20 minutes. We will request and setup HTTPS certificate for your custom domain via Please note, your domain should allow to issue this certificate to our server via LetsEncrypt.

If after that time your domain doesn't work feel free to contact us via support form.

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